Bathing Suits are for all. Every woman, any shape and size should feel fantastic in the bathing suit of their choice. Love the woman you are and embrace your bodies with a suit you love!

Thursday 29 October 2015

Pregnant and Proud

For all of us that have either been pregnant or are currently pregnant, or hope to be pregnant in the future, bathing suits are for us. Ladies stop being ashamed of stretch marks what the may say are strange shaped bellies any anything else that make us who we are, beautiful women. I know that sometimes being pregnant is so difficult that we don't feel like putting energy into much, but get up get out there and get some vitamin D for you and baby, be proud in your suit, of what God has blessed you with. Babies are miracles lets how them off to the world!!!

There is no reason to hide show the world your PRIDE!!!!

Appropriate Bathing Suits

Hey all, I hope you have been taking my advice and you all are out shopping for bathing suits that will suit you and that you will love. Today however I want to talk about appropriate wear. Just because the store is selling something does not mean we should buy it, I encourage you to think about what you wear, the appropriateness and how it may affect others. When we go to a beach or pool or any place we can wear our suits, yes we want to look good, sexy, fit etc nonetheless most times there are other persons around maybe kids or families or other couples. It is only fair to consider everyone, bathing suits that are too skimpy are not family area friendly, too tight, too showy, too big, too revealing can offend others and truly might not be the best option. I think that when we are getting into a suit a good checklist to ask yourself is, if my kids, my husband, my friends, my relatives saw me in this would they approve or would they disapprove?

Thursday 22 October 2015

Feeling Good In Your Skin

Today I want to talk about how you feel when you step out in your bathing suit. Some of us worry about everything from our rolls to stretch marks to how fat we look or how skinny we look. Well i am going to say it, my beautiful is not your beautiful or anyone elses. This is why it is important to be comfortable with who you are and love yourself so that when you step out you love what you see, you love how you feel, and it shows with your exuberance. Be confident that you look good and don't let anyone else put you down. Sometimes a monokini suits you, or even a bikini, but size nor any other factor should come into play other than if you like it.

Sunday 11 October 2015

I am starting this blog, because you are beautiful in your own skin, in my opinion it is time for us to change as a society. I live on the beautiful island of Tobago where the sun is bright and so are the smiles. What attracts most tourist to our island is our spectacular layout of beaches, which we ourselves don't enjoy enough. As a culture when our people go to the beach, we tend to cover up with tank tops and short, or shirts and tights. The bathing suit was born for a reason, a piece of clothing that was suppose to allow us to feel good about beach and pool bathing as well as a certain level of comfort. Society has made is so that some women feel bathings suits are not for them. I am here to tell you and show you, Bathing Suits are for all of us, the young the old, the slim the plus size, the pregnant the not, everyone! We will explore different body types, styles and fits while showing you how truly beautiful you